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5 biggest problems that entrepreneurs be confronted with signage

Hotel's signage is one of the factors that contribute to the experience that its guests will have and it is successful when is completed at the right time and in the right way.

Bratti Hotel Signage with more than 50 years of experience in building & hotel signage and over 1,200 signage studies for all types and sizes of hotels, guarantees the excellent result in signage.

What are the 5 biggest problems in signage and how you could avoid them?

1. Ιncomplete signage as a result the needed information to be asked from the staff or other guests in order someone to navigate the hotel.

Solution: We define all the signage points with the aim of providing easy, immediate information and guidance to the visitor in all areas of the hotel.

2. Poor quality and wrong design of the signboards resulting in the visitor getting a sense of sloppiness and forcing the entrepreneur to invest extra money for new signboards.

Solution: Trust the best value for money investment and not the cheapest signage solution. Also, a signage study is necessary, so that all the necessary signs to be created and placed correctly.

3. Poor service support from the signage supplier to the entrepreneur with resulting in project delivery delays and supplier indifference to future maintenance needs (after sale support).

Solution: Carry out a thorough market research and compare the necessary data, such as: a) the years of operation, b) the customers of each company, c) the services and structure of the company (signage study-production-placement), d) the response time and the materials each company suggests.

4. Ιmprovised installation of the signs by a crew which is not certified or specialized resulting in damage to the facilities and risk of injury to the visitors.

Solution: The company that will undertake the placement of the signs should have its own certified & trained crews. Choose a company that undertakes the entire signage process, i.e. signage design, production and installation with a certified crew.

5. Deterioration of the signs due to the wrong quality materials that used for their construction, resulting in the need for their short replacement and creating additional investment or maintenance costs.

Solution: Invest in reliable and quality materials that stand the test of time and not the cheapest solution because there is always the possibility of paying more in the end.

At Bratti Hotel Signage we believe that the result of a project has value when:
  • it is properly studied

  • it has been produced with the appropriate materials

  • creates value for money


For more information on how you can upgrade the signage at your property, contact Bratti Hotel Signage company on +30 210 9656500 or email


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